Select Pool Domes for the Best Swimming Experience And Create Year-Round Fun

Selecting the right dome for your swimming pool guarantees year-round enjoyment and protection from the elements. The well-selected dome for the swimming pool provides a versatile solution, allowing you to extend your swimming season regardless of weather conditions. Factors like size, material durability, and ease of installation are important in making the best choice for pool domes. Whether for residential or commercial pools, finding a dome that suits your needs ensures comfort and convenience throughout the year. We offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal, improving your pool area with a practical investment that supports long-term enjoyment and relaxation.

Pool Domes

Improve Your Outdoor Experience with a Pool Dome for Extended Use

A swimming pool is often the focus of outdoor relaxation and enjoyment during warmer months. A pool dome offers a practical solution to extend the swimming season, protecting from elements like rain, wind, and excessive sun exposure. 

The primary benefit of a pool dome is its ability to create a controlled environment around your pool. By covering the pool area, domes shield against harsh sunlight, rain, wind, and debris, allowing you to swim and lounge comfortably regardless of weather conditions. This protection not only extends your swimming season but also reduces maintenance efforts, keeping the pool cleaner for longer periods.

1. Extended Swimming Season: Perhaps the most obvious benefit of a pool dome is the extension of the swimming season. By covering your pool, you can keep the water at a comfortable temperature even when the weather turns cooler. This means you can start swimming earlier in the spring and continue well into the fall or even throughout the entire year, depending on your climate.

2. Protection from Weather Elements: A dome protects from various weather elements such as rain, wind, and excessive sunlight. It creates a shield over your pool, allowing you to swim or relax without worrying about sudden weather changes. This protection also helps in maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water by preventing debris from entering.

3. Improved Safety and Security: Installing a dome over your pool adds an extra layer of safety, especially if you have children or pets. It can prevent accidental falls into the pool when it's not in use and add a barrier that deters unauthorized access. Some pool domes even come with locking mechanisms for added security.

4. Energy Efficiency: Depending on the design and materials used, a dome for swimming pool can contribute to energy efficiency. It helps retain the heat within the pool, reducing the need for heating, which can lower energy costs. Additionally, it can help conserve water by reducing evaporation.

5. Versatility in Use: Beyond just swimming, a covered pool area can be utilized for various activities throughout the year. It can serve as a space for exercise, relaxation, or even hosting gatherings regardless of the weather outside. Some pool domes are designed with removable panels or retractable roofs, offering flexibility in how much of the pool area you want to cover at any given time.

Dome for Swimming Pool

Create a Versatile Pool Space with Our Custom Dome Solutions

Our pool domes provide customers with several important advantages. Our construction extends the usability of swimming pools, enabling year-round enjoyment regardless of weather conditions. Louisiana Land Art provides pool domes to secure the pools from elements like rain and wind, maintaining water cleanliness and temperature consistency. Energy efficiency is also promoted through heat retention, potentially reducing heating costs. 

Our pool domes are customized to fit various pool shapes and sizes, using durable materials designed to withstand outdoor exposure. Louisiana Land Art installation involves careful consideration of design specifics and customer preferences, making sure smooth integration into existing landscapes. Transparent options maximize natural light while providing shelter.


Pool domes from Louisiana Land Art represent a changing addition to any home, increasing the usability and enjoyment of swimming pools year-round. These structures provide essential benefits such as weather protection, improved safety, and energy efficiency, making them a practical investment for both residential and commercial properties. Contact us to learn more about how our pool domes can improve your property's value and enjoyment.