Unique Lap and Cocktail Pool Designs to Improve Your Outdoor Area

When it comes to improving your outdoor living space with a pool, the choice between lap pools and cocktail pools can make a significant difference in your backyard’s function and beauty. Both options allow unique preferences and needs, making it crucial to understand their features, benefits, and limitations before making a decision. We provide an in-depth comparison to help you choose the perfect pool for your backyard oasis.

Lap Pools

Differentiating Lap Pools and Cocktail Pools and Selecting the Perfect Pool Design

When designing a backyard oasis, choosing the right pool type is crucial. Among the multiple options, lap pools and cocktail pools stand out for their distinct functionalities and creative appeal. Lap pools are long and narrow, designed primarily for exercise and swimming laps, while cocktail pools are compact, simple pools intended for relaxation and social gatherings. Understanding the differences between these two types can help you select the perfect pool from Louisiana Land Art that matches your lifestyle, space, and budget.

Purpose and Functionality

  • Lap Pools: Ideal for fitness enthusiasts and swimmers, lap pools provide a space for continuous swimming. Their length (usually 40-75 feet) allows for uninterrupted laps, which is excellent for cardiovascular exercise.

  • Cocktail Pools: Designed for relaxation and socializing, these pools are smaller (usually 10-15 feet in diameter) and shallow, making them perfect for cooling off and entertaining guests without the need for vigorous swimming.

Design and Size

  • Lap Pools: These pools are typically long, narrow, and rectangular, fitting well in elongated spaces such as side yards. They can be designed with various features like resistance jets for an improved workout.

  • Cocktail Pools: Known for their compact, versatile designs, cocktail pools can fit in smaller spaces and can be customized with built-in seating, water features, and heating systems for year-round enjoyment.

Cost and Maintenance

  • Lap Pools: Generally more expensive due to their size and construction requirements, lap pools also demand more in terms of maintenance, including regular cleaning and chemical balancing to ensure a healthy swimming environment.

  • Cocktail Pools: Less expensive to build and maintain, cocktail pools use less water and chemicals. Their smaller size makes them easier to heat and clean, which can lead to lower overall costs.

Space Requirements

  • Lap Pools: These require a significant amount of linear space, making them suitable for larger properties or specific areas like side yards where the length can be maximized.

  • Cocktail Pools: Fit well in smaller, confined spaces such as large backyards or courtyards. Their compact nature makes them an excellent choice for maximizing limited outdoor areas.

Cocktail Pools

What Makes Cocktail Pools A Modern Trend To Improve Your Backyard Then Lap Pools

Cocktail pools have become a modern design. In backyard design, their small size and flexibility have attracted families. Louisiana Land Art encourages you to find out these modern factors, applying the attraction and practicality of cocktail pools in the outdoor living areas of society.

Cocktail pools have increased in popularity as a modern and space-efficient alternative to traditional lap pools. Various cocktail pool designs can bring a touch of luxury to your outdoor space. From sleek modern styles to more traditional looks, these designs cater to different tastes and needs, making it easy to create your backyard resort.

Compact Size: Cocktail pools are gaining popularity due to their compact size, making them perfect for homeowners with limited outdoor space. Compared with lap pools, cocktail pools can fit into smaller backyards or large environments without compromising impact.

Versatility: Cocktail pools offer versatility, serving as both a pool and a spa. They provide a space for relaxation and make them suitable for many things, like relaxing after a hard day or throwing small parties for friends and family.

Affordability: With their smaller size and reduced water and maintenance requirements, cocktail pools are a more affordable option compared to lap pools. We offer homeowners the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a luxurious water haven without heading over funds.

Cocktail Pool Designs


Both lap pools and cocktail pools offer unique benefits that allow for different needs and lifestyles. Lap pools are perfect for those who have the space and want a pool for fitness and swimming laps. On the other hand, cocktail pools are ideal for smaller spaces and those looking for a versatile pool that doubles as a relaxing social hub. Consider your space, budget, and primary use to determine which pool is the best fit for your backyard oasis. Contact us today and create the ultimate backyard oasis.